This Month in Photos: January 2021

January mostly continued the mild winter trend until the very end of the month, which made for some exciting intra-seasonal changes. It was quiet—spent with those in my bubble (when safe) and the usual hobbies. Here are a few of my favourite photos from the month.

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Jan 1: Rang in the new year with family, puzzles, and Animal Crossing. Great fireworks, even if they were just on a screen.

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Jan 6. Capitol riots day. Watching the coverage during a late night workout.

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Jan 7: The George C. King bridge—my favourite bridge in the city—during an evening run.

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Jan 8: Gourmet dinner plus ambiance. You better believe that's the PC White Cheddar variety and not KD. Bowls by the talented Laura Sand.

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Jan 16: YNAB's retreat went virtual in 2020 and—not breaking tradition—they had a tailor-made puzzle designed by our very own Lauren Coulson. Instead of the team effort found at normal in-person retreats, everyone went solo this year and I finally finished mine up.

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Jan 20: Homemade veggie poutine and burgers with the fam.

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Jan 21: Ice, ice floes, or icebergs? Regardless, the Bow River is filled with them right now. I pay attention to it when I'm out running because, while it changes slowly, it's always a signal of time passing.

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Jan 23: Major changes along the riverwalk near Eau Claire. Nearly all of the large trees were chopped down making for some new sightlines. I was sad to see the trees go, but they've done such a nice job with the landscaping elsewhere I've gotta imagine this will turn out just as good. It's a bit barren right now, and I was getting FernGully vibes from the piles of chopped trees.

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Jan 23: The night before the big freeze, signaling the end of the mild winter.

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Jan 24: Hoarfrost details during an early morning run.

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Jan 24: More hoarfrost along the Bow River pathway.

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Jan 27: RGB colour mixing with three Philips Hue lights. I was surpised how vivid the mixed colours turned out. That's some strong cyan, yellow, and magenta made entirely from red, green, and blue.